OPV Copyright Information

The Old Paths Archive® Version of the Holy Scriptures (OPV), Copyright © 1997, 1998, Roy Davison, Belgium. All rights reserved. This translation may not be copied, distributed, made available or published in any form whatever without the copyright owner's written permission. This copyright notice must be included on all copies made.

The copyright owner's definition of 'fair use' is as follows:
Separate quotations of less than one chapter may be included as references in published works on condition that they are marked as "OPV" after each quotation, or globally by the statement: "Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations in this work are from The Old Paths Archive Version of the Holy Scriptures (OPV), Copyright © 1997, 1998, Roy Davison, Belgium."
One copy of this translation may be stored on a computer for noncommercial, study purposes on condition that said copy was down-loaded directly from The Old Paths Archive (http://www.oldpaths.com) or from another authorized web site. Electronic copies may not be passed on to third parties by any means whatever.
Noncommercial, loose-leaf (unbound) copies of this translation may be made on paper for personal and class study only.